TACCESS Special Issue on Aging and Information Technologies Call for Papers: Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) On Aging and Information Technologies Guest Editors: Sara J. Czaja, Peter Gregor, Vicki L. Hanson It is well known that older adults will comprise an increasing proportion of the population of the US, Europe, and other post-industrial areas in the coming decades. At the same time, information technologies are increasingly being used in most societal contexts and for a broad array of tasks at work, social communication, health care and consumer services. Problems of older users when dealing with new technologies are quite widely reported. This Special Issue will explore specific opportunities and challenges and solutions for older adults and the increasing deployment of complex IT systems. The aim of this Special Issue is to present high quality and original manuscripts related to the topic of aging and information systems that will contribute to the design of systems that support the needs and preferences of older users. Manuscripts must be original, but significant expansions and revisions of papers recently presented at conferences are specifically permitted. Possible topics include: Empirical studies of issues related to the usability of systems by older people (e.g., design of input devices, software design, hardware design, training, help systems). Empirical studies related to the use of technology in specific contexts/tasks by older people (e.g., the workplace, home environments, service settings). Empirical studies related to the impact of IT on outcomes such as task performance, health/stress, communication, social support and quality of life. Empirical studies related to systems to support care and care-giving for older adults Empirical studies related to barriers to success, strategies to improve technology adoption. Submission process Submissions should follow the journal's suggested writing format (http://www.is.umbc.edu/taccess/authors.html) and should be submitted through Manuscript Central http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/taccess , indicating that the paper is intended for the Special Issue. All papers will be subject to the peer review process and final decisions regarding publication will be based on this review. Important dates: Letter or paragraph of intent sent to Sara Czaja (sczaja@med.miami.edu): 22nd October 2008 Full paper submission: 15th November 2008 Response to authors: 15th January 2009 Final version of papers: 20th February 2009