Haptic Radar Cap The University of Tokyo's Ishikawa Komuro Laboratory is developing a wearable and modular device allowing users to perceive and respond to spatial information using haptic cues in an intuitive and unobstrusive way. The system is composed of an array of "optical-hair modules", each of which senses range information and transduces it as an appropriate vibro-tactile cue on the skin directly beneath it. Among the targeted applications of this interface are visual prosthetics for the blind. Read the entire article at: http://likecool.com/The_Haptic_Radar_Cap--Gadget--Gear.html Links: Haptic Radar Cap http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/perception/HapticRadar/index-e.html YouTube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch%3fv=70_MwrkDOVU http://www.youtube.com/watch%3fv=19VMCygLZw4%26feature=related