Feeding Robot for the Disabled From: Servo Magazine - 01/2008 - page 8 On a more specialized level is the My Spoon feeding robot manufactured in Tokyo by Secom Co. Ltd. Designed to allow victims of spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, and other disabilities to feed themselves without a caregiver's assistance, it offers interchangable controllers and utensils, and a selection of operating modes to accommodate different disability levels. It's not quite up to the flexibility of a humanoid hand in that foods must be served from specific divisions of a meal tray, and they must be in bite-sized pieces. Both users and therapists seem to be praising its effectiveness, and it was even nominated as a finisher in the Top 10 Robots listed by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. No price is given on the company's website, whch probably indicates that it will run you a pretty nice chunk of change. But the main idea is to give the user a greater sense of independence, which is not a bad thing. Links: Secom http://www.secom.co.jp/english/index.html My Spoon http://www.secom.co.jp/english/myspoon/index.html Robotic spoon favourite for Robot of the Year award http://blog.digitalhomemag.com/page/digitalhome?entry=robotic_spoon_favourite_for_robot My Spoon robot feeds humans http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2006/12/my_spoon_robot_feeds_humans.html http://www.ohgizmo.com/2006/12/05/my-spoon-robot-feeds-the-disabled-possibly-the-lazy/ Machines That Assist and Empower http://www.nni.nikkei.co.jp/FR/TNKS/Nni20071129D28HH136.htm