Robot Device Helps Stroke Patients From: NASA Tech Briefs Insider - 12/17/2008 Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital are demonstrating the use of a hand-operated robotic device and functional MRI to help rehabilitate chronic stroke patients. In the experiment, the patients squeezed a special MR-compatible robotic device for an hour a day, three days per week for four weeks. The study showed that rehabilitation using hand training significantly increased activation in the cortex, which is the area in the brain that corresponds with hand use. Furthermore, the increased cortical activation persisted in the stroke patients who had exercised during the training period, but then stopped for several months. "We have shown that the brain has the ability to regain function through rehabilitative exercises following a stroke," said A. Aria Tzika, PhD, director of the NMR Surgical Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Shriners Burn Institute and assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "We have learned that the brain is malleable, even six months or more after a stroke, which is a longer period of time than previously thought." Read the entire article at: Robotic Technology Improves Stroke Rehabilitation Links: Significant rehab possible in chronic stroke Medicexchange TV Interview with Dr A Aria Tzika Robotic Device Could Help Stroke Patients Robotic Technology Improves Stroke Rehabilitation Hand Exercising Robot Helps Stroke Patients Regain Brain Function after 6 Months No Time Limit on Starting Stroke Rehab (video)