Bionic Eye Closer to Reality From: Medical Device & Diagnostic Indusrty - 08/20/2008 Scientists have invented an eye-shaped camera, which uses materials that allow it to curve. It could be a predecessor to a bionic eye. Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have invented an eye-shaped camera that could be a predecessor to a bionic eye, reports It is made from a flexible mesh of silicon light-detectors. Real eyes are curved, which has been a hurdle for those trying to create artificial ones, because of the rigidity of established electronic materials, which fracture when bent. But the Illinois team used a series of silicon photodetectors connected by thin metal wires, and encapsulated them in a thin film of polyimide plastic. This created a scaffold that could bend without breaking. The camera is limited to 256 pixels at the moment, but it will be scaled up. Read the entire story at: Links: Curved electronic eye created Eye shaped camera provides sharper focus John Rogers Rogers Research Group Photos available for John Rogers' research on the retina