Control of Power-Assist Exoskeleton Robots with Biological Signals From: Servo Magazine - 03/2008 - page 38 By: Kazuo Kiguchi A viable power-assist exoskeleton robot - sometimes called a power suit, man amplifier, or man magnifier - is something that many people in industry, military, and medicine, have been anxiously waiting for. Recent progress in robotics technology has increased the number of power-assist exoskeleton robots that have come onto the scene. It is important that a power-assist exoskeleton robot automatically assists the user’s motion according to that motion intention in real time. Electromyographic (EMG) signals - which are generated when muscles are activated - are one of the most important biological signals to determine the user’s motion. The amount of the EMG signal indicates the muscle activity level (i.e., the amount of generating force) and it can be easily measured using simple electrodes. From: Links: Kazuo Kiguchi, PhD Upper-Limb Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation Neuro-fuzzy control of a robotic exoskeleton with EMG signals Exoskeleton for human upper-limb motion support Controller Adjustment of an Exoskeleton Robot for Shoulder Motion Assistance Exoskeletons Research Project