Harnessing the Power of the Brain From: 60 Minutes - Aired 11/02/2008 Once in a while, we run across a science story that is hard to believe until you see it. That's how we felt about this story when we first saw human beings operating computers, writing e-mails, and driving wheelchairs with nothing but their thoughts. Quietly in a number of laboratories, an astounding technology is developing that directly connects the human brain to a computer. It's like a sudden leap in human evolution - a leap that could one day help paralyzed people to walk again and amputees to move bionic limbs. As correspondent Scott Pelley reports, the connection has already been made for a few people, and for them it has been life changing. Read the entire script and view the video at: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/31/60minutes/main4560940.shtml Article submitted by David Punia Links: We Have Been Blessed http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/view.php?id=9839 Brainwave reader liberates the mind (pdf file) http://www.alsphiladelphia.org/NetCommunity/Document.Doc?id=198 Links submitted by Alisa Brownlee