Providing for Older Adults Using Smart Environment Technologies From: Today's Engineer - 05/2007 By: Diane J. Cook Smart environment technologies created from the integration of pervasive computing, sensor networks, and artificial intelligence would be a major boon to elderly people with mental or physical handicaps who wish to live independently at home, writes Washington State University School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science professor Diane J. Cook. Software that runs smart environments can employ data collected from sensors to identify residents' actions and construct a model for daily living, making deviations that could signify a health crisis easier to recognize and rectify. An automated home and work environment affords a degree of control for physically limited people that obviates the need for frequent caregiver assistance, while cognitively impaired people can be automatically reminded of tasks, routines, and directions to make their day-to-day living easier. Augmenting the quality of life is another thing smart environments are designed to do. One example is the environments' use of wireless sensors to observe the social interactions of older adults, report those activities to caregivers, and make suggestions to enhance a person's social life. Smart environments are also useful to hospitals, for such things as making patients and doctors safer and monitoring the progress of people following surgery. "Much continued research is needed to make these technologies robust and ready for widespread adoption," explains Cook. "Investigating these issues is imperative if we want to adequately care for our aging population and provide the best possible quality of life for them and, ultimately, for ourselves." Read the entire article at: Links: Diane J. Cook Smart Rooms, Smart Houses & Household Appliances/Applications Health Monitoring and Assistance to Support Aging in Place