Sensor-Based System Could Help Sufferers of ALS, Cerebral Palsy Start-up company rolls out new communication technology at NIWeek From: DesignNews - 08/08/2007 By: Charles J. Murray Sufferers of brain and spinal diseases could get a boost from a developing technology that could allow them to regain the ability to communicate with computers or wheelchairs, or to other people through a synthesized voice. Known as The Audeo, the new technology uses an electromyographic-type sensor to detect electrical signals on the throats of people who are attempting to speak, and then processes those signals into text, synthesized words or commands for an electrically activated wheelchair. Ambient Corp., developers of the new system, said that it hopes to use it to help individuals disabled by such diseases as ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease), cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain or spinal cord injury. Read the entire article at: Links: Audeo Ambient Corp Photo gallery - Photo #9