UNESCO supported telecentre for the blind opened in Uruguay From: UNESCO - 06/21/2006 The Juan Antonio Lavalleja Public Library of Minas, the capital of the department of Lavalleja in Uruguay, hosts since last week a telecentre for visually impaired. The two room premises in the House of Culture with state-of-the art equipment was opened on 16 June. Private sector companies - ANTEL Telecommunication and SALUS/Danone - donated PCs with acoustic output, cassette recorders for audio books and a fast Internet access. UNESCO provided access to free educational software - Cantaletras and Toque Magico of the Catholic University Santiago, Chile - and offered printed books in Braille and 3D materials like geographical maps and texture games thanks to its cooperation with libraries for the blind in Buenos Aires and La Plata, Argentina. Earlier in 2005, UNESCO supported one of the only two public schools in whole Uruguay for the blind and visually impaired with PCs, free educational software, and a Braille printer and provided capacity building for teachers. Read the entire article at: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22399&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html Submitted by: Marianne R. Petit marianne.petit@nyu.edu