Eye Tracking Technology Poised to Be Next Trend to Immerse Gamers From: Queen's University - 08/10/2006 Video-game companies see eye-tracking technology as a potential tool for enhancing the gaming experience of players. Eye-tracking technology has been around since the late 1960s, and people with limited mobility, pilots, and market researchers have largely put the application to good use. According to a new study from researchers at Queen's University in Canada, playing a game with your eyes allows gamers to feel more immersed and have more fun in a virtual environment. School of Computing associate professor Nicholas Graham and PhD candidate David Smith integrated a Tobii 1750 desktop eye tracker with several commercial video games, and found that 83 percent of gamers playing Quake 2 and 92 percent of those playing Neverwinter Nights felt more immersed in the games using the technology. "Eye-tracking technology allows us to build interfaces that respond to users' intentions rather than just their actions," says Smith. Although eye-tracking technology feels more natural than playing a game with a mouse, the feature presents control issues because subconscious eye movements make for inadvertent selections of items or directions. The researchers presented the study at ACM's International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology in June. Read the entire article at: http://qnc.queensu.ca/story_loader.php?id=44db496c17ec4 Links: T.C. Nicholas Graham http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~graham/ David Smith http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~smith Eye Tracking Technology Poised To Be Next Trend To Immerse Gamers http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/08/060818005632.htm http://www.theallineed.com/computers/06081806.htm Tobii Eye Tracker http://www.tobii.com/