Gamers Help the Blind Get the Picture From: New Scientist - 05/16/2006 By: Paul Marks Carnegie Mellon University researchers have devised an online game whose aim is to find ways to make Web sites more accessible to blind people, who are often unable to learn the contents of images placed online. The game, "Phetch," seeks to encourage Web users to generate better captions for online images. Playable online at by groups of three to five people, the game assigns the role of "describer" to one person while the rest become "seekers." The describer is shown a randomly chosen Web-site image and has to write a short paragraph to describe it, and then the seekers use search engines to try to find the right image. "We hope to collect captains for every image on the Web", said Phetch team member Shiry Ginosar, although she concedes that it may be difficult to get Web designers around the world to use the better captions. CMU researchers previously had developed a game called "Peekaboom" designed to improve image recognition algorithms by having one player try to guess an image using only the clues given by another user. The game aids computers identify images because players will focus on the most important part of images first when describing them. Read the entire article at: Phetch - Peekaboom On transmogrifying labor Peekaboom - Human-Powered Riya?