New Website - 1 Stop for Free Assistive Technology We just completed compiling what we believe to be the most comprehensive, up-to-date, online library of FREE Assistive Technology applications. Here is the URL: Our rationale for creating and maintaining this library is as follows: Commercial Assistive Technology contributes, significantly, to enhancing the quality-of-life, independence and employability of millions of people with disabilities. Unfortunately, many individuals, social organizations, schools and government agencies can not afford to purchase it. Further more, there are many additional situations that preclude people with disabilities from accessing, using ... or continuing to use commercial AT. For example, when K-12 schools purchase AT for use by their students ... the schools own the AT. Often this situation precludes students with disabilities from being able to take the school's AT home with them to complete homework assignments ... or to their local libraries to help them study and surf the web with their friends. When students graduate from high school they no longer have access to the AT that contributed to their success and independence as part of their K-12 education. The ability for high school students with disabilities to transition from high school to college, or into work environments, can also be negatively impacted. Free Assistive Technologies can help to mitigate these problems. It is this end that we dedicate and maintain this website. We hope this new resource proves useful in support of your great mission! Steve Jacobs, President IDEAL Group, Inc. and, CEO, Online Conferencing Systems, Inc. 614/777-0660 800/750-0750 tty 614/259-0013 fax Submitted by Jamie Prioli