Tiny Sensors Run Forever (Almost) From: Wired News - 09/06/2005 By: Joanna Glasner Several technologies for transmitting information wirelessly over unlicensed radio spectrum are targeting consumers, but supporters of the ZigBee specification say the technology is better than rivals such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wi-Fi in certain instances thanks to its low power consumption. One such instance is the deployment of large sensor networks: Upcoming ZigBee products in this vein include Lusora's system for monitoring elderly people, in which sensors peppered throughout the residence can notify family members when problems or interruptions in daily routine are detected. Meanwhile, Eaton Electrical's Home Heartbeat sensor network is designed to watch parts of a home (electrical devices, water pipes, and so forth) and take remedial action if problems crop up, as well as notify owners if a device is unintentionally left on. ZigBee sensors boast a battery life of three to five years. ZigBee Alliance Chairman Bob Heile cites power efficiency and ease of mesh networking as the technology's chief selling points, while analyst Joyce Putscher says ZigBee networks are more advantageous than their wired counterparts in their simplicity of construction and expandability. Putscher projects that ZigBee product shipments will surpass 150 million units in two years, in a best-case scenario. Analyst Erik Michielsen says putting ZigBee products in an affordable, easy-to-install package will be the key factor in the technology's commercial success. Read the entire article at: http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,68700,00.html Links: Lusora http://www.lusora.com ZigBee "Panic Button" Calls For Help http://www.wsnupdate.com/2005/03/zigbee-panic-button-calls-for-help.html http://www.usernomics.com/news/2005/02/zigbee-panic-button-calls-for-help.html http://www.netstumbler.com/2005/02/21/zigbee_panic_button_calls_for_help/ Devices can monitor health, detect motion, track medicines http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/08/08/BUGCME40HG1.DTL&type=business World technology: Home technology http://www.ebusinessforum.com/index.asp?layout=rich_story&doc_id=7279