Software a Sight for Sore Eyes From: - 06/13/2005 By: K. Oanh Ha IBM's Web Adaptation Technology software permits people with impaired vision and disabilities to control Web pages to meet their needs. The software can recite out loud what is on the page, enlarge text, block distracting screen backgrounds or animation, and make the keyboard simpler to use. The technology is being introduced as well for use by kids with learning disabilities and physical problems. IBM implemented Web Adaptation Technology three years ago at SeniorNet Centers throughout the United States. In early 2005, the software was placed on the Web download. IBM provides free access to the technology via its nonprofit partners and is dispensing the software through 40 partners in 13 nations. There are 10,000 users of the technology, and IBM intends to make it available to even more people. Read the entire story at: Links: IBM Web Adaptation Technology IBM Web Adaptation Technology Project Makes the Web More Accessible to Vermont's Older Adults IBM Web Adaptation Technology IBM Web Adaptation Software - PACER Center IBM Web Adaptation Technology - Techshare presentation SeniorNet