Information Technology Jobs Show Promise for Workers with Disabilities From: - 12/2004 By: Allan Hoffman Workers with disabilities face a number of challenges in finding work, especially due to the fact many employers do not know how to accommodate an employee's disability. But according to disability experts, the IT industry holds promise for workers with disabilities because of the variety of technologies being used to help people cope with disabilities both at home and in the workplace. IT workers, along with IT departments and employers, may be among those most willing to push for technologically advanced solutions, say advocates for people with disabilities. Some employers are learning about these technologies as older workers develop disabilities, says Vicki Hanson, co-chair of ACM's Sprecial Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGAccess). "It's really the aging workforce that has people concerned these days," she says, referring to the growing number of older workers with visual impairments, hearing loss and other disabilities. "They want to keep those workers on the job, and that opens the employer's eyes." Often, the worker informs the employer about accommodations. "Employers on the whole aren't as aware of what they can or should do," says Hanson, who also is manager of the accessibility research group at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center. "Often they rely on the employee." Efforts are under way to bring more workers with disabilities into IT and increase awareness of how employees with disabilities can be accommodated with use of assistive technologies.