The Automated 'Virtual Commentator' for Video Content From: IST Results - 07/27/2005 A "virtual commentator" algorithm developed by the IST-funded COGVISYS project can automatically create textual descriptions of video streams by assessing specific cues from the video input signal, which are translated into conceptual representations and then converted into natural language descriptions of video sequences. This technique in turn enables the checking of the computational processes that are employed to produce descriptions of complex external events from video recordings. Project coordinator Hans-Hellmut Nagel says the COGVISYS system could potentially be used as a video content search tool. A user seeking a video sequence on the Internet can enter a text search query, and "the system searches for suitable videos, interprets the content on the fly, and decides if the match is good enough to report back to [the user]," he explains. Working demonstrators of the COGVISYS approach were successfully developed as a vehicle driver assistance application, an application for converting US/UK sign language into text and then into speech, and a TV program analysis application. Nagel believes the COGVISYS system could find use in the domain of elderly care, as a tool that monitors the activities of aged residents in conjunction with a household video camera, and alerts caregivers when anomalous actions are observed. He says such technology could be commercially rolled out within a decade. Part of the COGVISYS software is available for download under an open source license, and some applications can be viewed on the project Web site. Read the entire article at: Links: Cognitive Vision Systems (CogViSys) CogViSys -- Cognitive Vision Systems Cognitive Vision: CogViSys Hans-Hellmut Nagel