Voice-Operated System Lets Astronauts Keep Eyes and Hands Free From: NASA Tech Briefs Insider - 09/06/2005 Clarissa is a fully voice-operated procedure browser that lets astronauts navigate through specific tasks using only spoken commands. The software reads the procedure steps to the astronauts through voice control, enabling the astronauts to keep both their hands and eyes free. Beth Ann Hockey of the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA's Ames Research Center in California, is the project lead for Clarissa. She explained that an astronaut may say "Go to step five" and the software goes to that step and reads it to them. "It gives them a way to read ahead or read back without losing their place in the procedure; it keeps track of what step they are on," she said. According to Hockey, applications are endless. "Any time you want to have your hands and eyes free, it will be a win. For example, tasks in which you'd be laying underneath a piece of equipment and you can't stop and scroll through a computer screen or flip through papers." To read the complete interview visit: http://www.techbriefs.com/NEWS/Sep05/who_0905.html Links: NASA Intelligent Systems Division - Spoken Dialogue Interfaces http://tc.arc.nasa.gov/projects/clarissa/ http://tc.arc.nasa.gov/projects/clarissa/details.php http://ic.arc.nasa.gov/story.php?id=204&sec= Clarissa Explains it All http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/050413_clarissa_tech.html Speech In Space http://speech.blogs.com/sb/2005/06/index.html HAL 9000, meet Clarissa http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/446 Space-station astronauts test voice-operated computer system http://currents.ucsc.edu/05-06/07-11/clarissa.asp NASA Tests Talking Space Computer http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20050627/clarissa.html