Cyber Crumbs for Successful Aging With Vision Loss From: IEEE Pervasive Computing - 06/2004 - Vol. 3, No. 2, P. 30 By: David A. Ross Researchers at the Atlanta VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Center have collaborated with Charmed Technology to develop Cyber Crumbs, an electronic system that functions like a trail of bread crumbs to help visually impaired people efficiently navigate through unfamiliar environments. Several location awareness technologies were tested as candidates for Cyber Crumbs' tech infrastructure, and the MIT Media Lab's Locust IR system emerged as the best technology because it enabled users to follow the route without breaking stride and did not require any additional effort on their part to obtain navigational data. The Atlanta team approached Charmed Technology to supply the hardware component of Cyber Crumbs by modifying interactive conference badges based on the Locust System to function as cyber crumbs and reader badges, and both organizations worked together to create software that would direct people to one of two specific sites in the VA hospital. In the Cyber Crumbs system's current form, the user wears a reader badge and walks along a route peppered with cyber crumbs that are asleep most of the time to conserve battery power; the badge sends out a wake-up signal in one-second intervals, and a crumb activates and transmits its ID code and text message once every second when a person comes within 22 feet of the device. The prototype system was tested on 10 visually handicapped people between 37 and 85 years old, and results indicated that Cyber Crumbs reduced average performance times by 50 percent and average distance traveled by 25 percent when compared to baseline figures. Participants generally praised the system as a tool for giving them support for independent travel and awareness of their surroundings, and appreciated Cyber Crumbs' ability to identify important objects or locations en route. Aspects of Cyber Crumbs they did not like included a lack of reliability due to signal reflections, the time it took for the system to locate crumbs, and a lack of crumb personalization. The VA hospital and Charmed Technology are working to address these issues.