Beyond High-Tech: Communicatng with Brain Waves From: New Mobility - November 2003 - page 34 Voice-activated computer software offers hope to high quads and others who lack finger movement, but what about those whose paralysis has deprived them of speech? According to a recent article in Psychology Today ["Just Short of Telepathy," May/June issue], a German neuroscientist, Niels Birbaumer, PhD, of the University of Tubingen, has invented what he calls a thought translation device, which scans low-frequency brain waves via electrodes attached to the scalp. People in the advanced stages of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and others whose paralysis has taken away their ability to move or speak, can be taught to change their brain wave pattems by visualizing certain images, effectively creating an internal "mouse" capable of making choices necessary to drive a computer. According to Jeffrey Winters, author of the article, "Patients can answer yes or no questions, spell out sentences or even surf the Internet." The implications for improved quality of life for those with total paralysis are substantial. Communication is essential to our ability to work, play and relate to family, friends, and the world at large, especially in the age of the Internet. Even more important, the ability to retain communication skills for those who are "locked in" (unable to move or communicate) can do much to disprove the mistaken notion that such lives are not worth living. Says the article: "The widespread belief that their quality of life is very low, and that they therefore have to die, is a prejudice," says Birbaumer, who adds that some 95 percent of patients who become locked in refuse artificial respiration on the advice of their doctors. "These patients are killed because of that prejudice." Communicating with brain waves is no longer a futuristic dream. With refinements that are certain to follow, new found - and critical - respect for those who are unable to move or speak is on the very near horizon. Links: