A High-Tech Helping Hand Prototype Glove Translates Sign Langauge Into Speech From: abcNEWS.com By: Peter Barnes, Tech Live Washington, DC, Bureau chief Jose Hernandez Rebollar's right arm is covered with wires and nodules. There's also a small, flat black box on his forearm. They're all connected to the glove he's wearing, which is also wired. The whole apparatus, in turn, is connected to a laptop computer. When he raises his arm and points to his forehead, a mechanical, synthetic voice, says, "Smart ... smart." Rebollar is a researcher at George Washington University in Washington, DC, and the sensor-studded glove he's working on isn't a device to sooth a huge egos. Instead, it's a new technology that could be a big boost for the deaf and hearing-impaired. Read the entire story at: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/TechTV/techtv_glovetranslate030224.html Links: http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~gogo/papers/hernandez_ICMI_2002.pdf http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~gogo/papers/hernandez_SIGGRAPH_2002.pdf http://www.computer.org/proceedings/icmi/1834/18340185abs.htm Contributed by Maurice LeBlanc