Disability and the Digital Divide Americans with disabilities are less than half as likely as their non-disabled counterparts to own a computer, and they are about one-quarter as likely to use the Internet. These are the conclusions of a new report1 on computer ownership and Internet use among people with disabilities, based on December 1998 data from the Current Population Survey, a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. For the purpose of this analysis, disability is defined in terms of a limitation in the ability to work: those respondents reported to have a "health problem or disability which prevents them from working or which limits the amount or kind of work they can do" are counted as having disabilities. The statistics presented in this abstract apply to the population 15 years of age or older. http://dsc.ucsf.edu/UCSF/pub.taf?_UserReference=4B9BB0D75DFC85AFBD878F68