Distance Rehabilitation Courses The University of Wisconsin-Stout is offering two graduate level courses on the Internet. These courses are part of the Master's degree program in Vocational Rehabilitation (Counseling concentration) and are offered by the Rehabilitation Department. Course requirements are the same for on-campus and distance students. Spring semester starts January 18, 1994 and ends May 13, 1994. Course Section Description Credit 459-701 01 Foundations of Rehabilitation 3 459-675 01 Cognitive Rehabilitation 3 Enrollment is limited. Tuition is at the RESIDENT (in-state) rate for students accepted in these courses regardless of geographical location. If you are interested in one or both courses, send a personal e-mail message to: COURSES@UWSTOUT.EDU Include the following in the body of your message: Your Name, Postal Address, Course(s) of Interest and E-Mail address Specific course information will be sent upon this request.