RESNA Paper Deadline Reminder and Offer

Hopefully, you are aware that the deadline for papers for the RESNA 2000 conference is Friday, December 10th and are already hard at work. The papers must be submitted both electronically in rtf format and as hardcopy. If you have any questions about the process or need an author kit check That was the reminder.

The offer is for those of you who want some feedback on your paper before you submit the final version. If you e-mail it to me I will get a SIG-11 member to do an informal review using roughly the same guidelines that will be used for the formal process. There are no guarantees that the final reviewers will see things the same way, but it may help. I don't want to set a hard deadline but we will need a couple of days to turn things around and you may need time to make revisions. I will try and do this as late into the week as possible but make NO GUARANTEES if you wait too long so the sooner the better!

If you have other paper-related issues that you need help with, let me know and I will see what we can do.

Glen Ashlock, MS, ATP
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living
2568 Packard Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI  48104
734/971-0277 ext. 33