SIG-11 Members:

We have had only one candidate nominated for SIG chair (Glen Ashlock) and one for vice chair (Roger Rachow). With no competition, it seemed pointless to send out ballots (a process that requires us to us our SIG budget money to offset mailing expenses). Unless there is any objection, these two candidates will be formally elected during our SIG business meeting at the RESNA conference in Long Beach.

I would also like to propose new terms for officers as follows: Both the chair and the vice chair terms will be one year in length. After one year in office, the vice-chair will automatically move into the position of chair. Every year, beginning in the year 2000, we will need to elect a new vice chair. Hopefully this will encourage individuals to run for office who feel that they are unfamiliar with the responsibilities of SIG chair. The first year spent as vice chair will allow more time to become familiar with the various deadlines, connections, and responsibilities of being a SIG chair. This arrangement will also require that the vice chair and chair communicate continuously throughout the year and that they share the responsibilities of the office.

We will be discussing/voting on this at the business meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting and you would like to voice your opinion or vote in abstention on this issue, please contact me directly.

Patty Benzing, SIG-11 Chair
University Hospital School
100 Hawkins Dr., Room #333
Iowa City, IA  52242-1011
319/356-8284 fax