Assistance Needed on RET Practice Exam


One of RESNA's self-identified goals, as evidenced by the circulated draft of the 2006-2008 Long Range Plan, is to be identified as the primary credentialing program for the Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering fields. Several objectives of this goal center on maintenance and development of the credentialling tests, expansion of the target populations for the tests, and continued education of the membership.

With the RET credential in place, the RE&T PSG hopes to focus on these objectives in their activities during the coming years. As a launch-point for member education, the PSG would like to establish a practice exam for the RET Credential. Several PSG members have come forward to work on this goal, and some questions for the exam have been developed.

While a group exists to continue working on this goal, additional assistance is needed in the project.

Please contact me directly to provide input into the development of the practic exam.

Maureen Linden


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